Thursday, April 17, 2008

Jesus Removed from Courthouse

A portrait of Jesus Christ was removed from a Louisiana court house when it was declared unconstitutional. Apparently, Jesus is allowed to appear in a portrait with other historic figures but is not allowed to appear solo. Oddly, although he is referred to as simply a 'historic figure' he is the only historic figure who cannot stand alone in a picture that is to be displayed in a government building. Judge Ivan Lemelle claimed that, ""Context" is the "crucial factor" in determining if a religious display is unconstitutional." The portrait had originally hung alone above the words "To Know Peace, Obey These Laws," and Lemelle stated that this portrayed a religious message, thus making it unconstitutional. A courthouse in Texas constitutionally displayed the 10 commandments because there were other historical markers present as well, however the 10 commandments displayed in a Kentucky courthouse were ruled unconstitutional. It seems that there is an easy way to avoid this confrontation and just be sure to keep any religious symbol or icon surrounded with other non-religious things.

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