Friday, February 8, 2008

Playing the Pimp

In a sad attempt to draw more attention to themselves, the Clinton's have threatened to boycott NBC debates for an inappropriate suggestion made about Hillary's daughter Chelsea. An NBC anchor made a comment about Chelsea Clinton being 'pimped out' in reference to her making phone calls to gain support for her mother's campaign. Although that is ridiculous and he should not have said it, it hardly needed to gain any more media attention. The Clinton's are all over the news anyway, there is really no need to bring every little issue to the eyes of the public. The anchor should not have said it and after he did it did not need to be dwelled on. Chelsea is in no way being 'pimped', any supportive child would want to help their parent and the Clinton's have enough attention on them without seeking it out and making a big deal out of something trivial, the boycott is completely unnecessary.

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